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Cyprus Perplexed By Hezbollah Threats

Hezbollah's Leader Says It Will Fight Without Limits if Israel Attacks

Cyprus Perplexed by Hezbollah Threats

Beirut, Lebanon - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has threatened Cyprus with retaliation if Israel attacks Lebanon. In a fiery speech on Wednesday, Nasrallah accused Cyprus of allowing Israel to use its airports and ports, which he said was a violation of Lebanese sovereignty.

“If Israel attacks Lebanon, we will not hesitate to respond, and we will not limit ourselves to the Lebanese border,” Nasrallah said. “We will target any country that helps Israel in its aggression against us, including Cyprus.”

Nasrallah’s threats have perplexed Cypriot officials, who say that they have not allowed Israel to use their territory for military purposes. Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides said that he had spoken to Nasrallah and assured him that Cyprus would not be used as a base for attacks on Lebanon.

“We are a neutral country, and we have no interest in getting involved in the conflict between Israel and Lebanon,” Kasoulides said. “We have always maintained a good relationship with both countries, and we hope to continue to do so.”
